Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rolls of film coming out clear.?

OK so yesterday i was in Chicago doing some urban photo and when i developed my rolls of film today they all came out clear. I checked my camera (old Asahi Pentax K1000) and the shutter cloth is opening, the mirror is going up the shutter setting is working, i had it set to the right film speed (I used Ilford FP4 plus 125 speed film) the one thing i dont know how to check is if my lenses are working (i have a regular 50 mm a fish eye and a telephoto)...also the film is only a couple weeks old and i put it in the refrig. for storageRolls of film coming out clear.?
Sounds like not developed, only fixed.

Maybe you first mistakenly fixed it and then developed it, or you mistakenly put in water instead of developer, or you completely forgot to develope it and only fixed it? These are no stupid questions, I saw people making the most unimaginable mistakes while developing black and white films.

Check if there are numbers on the side of the film, when there are no means the film is not developed. Also the beginning of the film should be black.

When these things are there than it's probably a camera or lens problem.

When you developed like it should be done:

Somehow your camera wasn't able to shoot. The curtain didn't open, maybe the curtain did open but only while the mirror was down? Are you sure the film transported, did you see the film rewind knob turn? Even when your lenses aperture would only work at the smallest aperture they would still let some light go through on your films. And I can't imagine that they close down completely shut. All three lenses broke down at the same moment sounds too impossible to me. There's something wrong with your camera, the shutter didn't open while you were making photos that's the only thing I can think of. Load a cheap film and make photos without a lens while looking into the camera. Than you also see if the mirror and shutter are working synchronically. Make one photo without lens , one with, one without, one with and so on untill the end of the film. Develope that film.

It is a very old camera you have. Mostly old mechanical cameras die on their shutter or transport system. The shutter can begin to behave very strangely by sometimes not working and than suddenly working again. I once had a Minolta x500 which shutter suddenly only opened half during a important photo session.

Don't let it repair for more money than it is worth, try to find a good second hand one which will be a lot cheaper than a repairment of a very old camera. If you don't find a K1000 try to find another camera with k bajonet if you are so keen at your fish eye lens. K bajonet cameras are not so hard to find at least in Europe they aren't. K bajonet lenses even fit Pentax's digital cameras, adapter needed, although not al automatic functions on the digital camera will work and don't forget the extension factor for the lens due to sensor size.

The film is clear. That means it saw no light, it can't be overexposed. In that case there would be completely black frames.

Or do you see black frames instead of negatives? If you do than wrenchintheworks is right. When this is the case it means your camera doesn't close the aperture when it should and keeps it fully open. A K1000 is capable of full-aperture metering but the camera should close the aperture to its setting during exposure. It does this with a connection situated left just under the red spot on the bajonet. That should move when it makes a picture. When it doesn't than your aperture doesn't stop down resulting in over exposure. Does you aperture close when you take a photo, put at f8 and try several times.

Was meinst du denn mit ';with the back open also?'; Schliesst die Blende wenn du ein foto machts oder nicht?

Hast du Yahoo messenger installiert, was ist denn dein yahoo id?

Also dein Film ist ganz klar und durchsichtich, ohne total schwarzen negativen, nur der Anfangsstreifen ist schwarz und man kann die Nummern lesen? Das bedeutet kein Licht war in deiner Kamera waehrend den Knopfdruck zur Beleuchtung des Films.

Wenn du aber nur sehr dunkelen negatieve hast dann stimmt etwas nicht mit der steuerung der Blende. Dann ist die Verbindung zwischen das Objetief und der Kamera kaputt oder einen Fehler im Objektief selber (aber wie gesagt: ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das dies passiert in drei Objectieven gleichzeitig deshalb muesste es fast sicher im diesen Fall die Kamera sein).

Oder es stimmt etwas nicht in der Synchronisation des Spiegels, Veschluss und Blende. Oder der Verschluss ist kaputt.

Hat deine Kamera eine Funktion zur Doppeltaufnahme? Wenn dann koennte es auch sein das Du immer ueber den selben teil des Films fotografiert hast, in deinem Fall die erste Aufnahme die du gemacht hast mit offenen Hinterteil. Man kann dann immer den Transporthebel betaetigen aber nur zur wiedergebrauch des Verschlusses, der Film wird nicht transportiert. Oder der Film transportiert nicht mehr durch einen Fehler im Transportsystem. Wenn du aber das Ende des Films gespuerrt nachdem du die letzte Aufnahme gemacht hast und/oder du hast das Rueckgewinde drehen gesehen dann waere es dies nicht.

Let check the camera, but don't spend too much money on that. When the camera is broke, get another, new or a good second hand. When it's not broke, take it as it is and make further photos with it.

Entschuldige mein schlechtes Deutsch, ich komme aus Holland.Rolls of film coming out clear.?
Ok, i've been doing this 40 years. I think you mixed up the beakers and put the fixer in first. Developer later. WHOOPS!

Hey, we all do it. Some of us more than once in a lifetime.

Go shoot some more, try again.

Have fun
You say the beginning of the roll was black and you had clear, numbered frames? Then your camera was taking pictures but they are way over-exposed. If you look at the frames with a loupe, can you make out any information?

Open the back of the camera, set it on Bulb (B) and then press the shutter. Look through the curtain and open/close the f/stop ring. Make sure the shutter is working (and closing) and other than that, I'm stumped.

I stole a sign from a womens rest room in Austria in 1976. It said, Bitte keine abfel oder sonstige geganstande in de toilet verfen. Was this referring to not flushing sanitary products? I always wondered.

Also, could you have overdeveloped or mixed developer too strong? Shoot two more rolls, process one yourself and take the other to a cheap lab.

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