Thursday, February 11, 2010

If you have a ticket for a rolling stop(1st ticket) can you get traffic school to clear it?? CALIFORNIA...?

No. The traffic school is not in the business of clearing such tickets. They are to teach you about how not to make these mistakes, not to cover up for you. Sorry but you have to pay it or go to the DMV and explain away your troubles. Perhaps someone over there can take care of it for you.If you have a ticket for a rolling stop(1st ticket) can you get traffic school to clear it?? CALIFORNIA...?
If you haven't been to traffic school in the last 18 months you should have no problem whatsoever! Other things beyond my knowledge may apply- for instance, if you resisted arrest or had a weapon or drugs or something. Otherwise, as I stated, NO PROBLEM!

Go to the courthouse weekly, (some you can check on-line,) until your ticket comes up.

Then, pay the fee and do the class.

Check the authorized list of on-line schools and do it on-line is my suggestion, although I've seen schools offer free pizza and everything else to get you to come to them.

On-line is better, faster, cheaper-and more sure, if you can concentrate for yourself instead of needing to be babysat and made to do the work.

Trust me- I live in the East Bay and I just recently had to do the classes myself.
  • internet explorer
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